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For more than 50 years, we have grown our business, shifting with the times. Our strategic direction has led us to pursue a number of acquisitions, joint ventures and divestments as well as entering new geographies, all of which has helped us push boundaries and discover new territories.
In this landscape of constant evolution, there has always been a constant that has helped us succeed. This constant is our corporate character – who we are as a company and how we behave towards our business partners and each other.
We are passionate that our corporate values will be the glue that will bind us together and guide us as we continue to grow. Like a mackerel, we are constantly moving – if we stop, we sink – and this entrepreneurial spirit lies at the heart of who we are as we continue to pursue growth across ASEAN and beyond.

Being a reliable, honest and trustworthy company that is true to its word forms the foundation for our relationships. It is the basis of sound, caring and mutually beneficial connections with our people, our customers, our business partners and our communities.

Ensuring that a growth-oriented entrepreneurial spirit is allowed to thrive is legacy from our founders that we advance with passion. We call it the “mackerel spirit”.

Taking risks is a natural part of business enterprise. Managing risks with due care, checks and balances, vigilance and common sense is essential for our autonomy and long-term survival. Chance favours the prepared.

Staying focused on our tasks, following up, following through and considering it our duty to fulfil what has been promised are critical ingredients of the care we owe our customers, our colleagues and our business partners.

Whether as colleagues in a team, as divisions in a company or as a company cooperating with other companies, we celebrate diversity, treasure teamwork and appreciate the complementary value that each party brings to the table.